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The following provides a quick reference to the most commonly used Markdown syntax.





::: {#cb1 .sourceCode}

# Markdown
The following provides a quick reference to the most commonly used Markdown syntax.

## Headers
### H3
#### H4
##### H5
###### H6


Italic and Bold

::: {#cb2 .sourceCode}

*Italic* and **Bold**

~~Scratched Text~~

::: {#cb3 .sourceCode}

~~Scratched Text~~


::: {#cb4 .sourceCode}


Markdown doesn't support underline, but we can use [HTML Text]{.underline} instead. Also, we can render almost any [HTML]{style="color:red;"} code that we [like]{.kbd} such as superscript^2^.

::: {#cb5 .sourceCode}

Markdown doesn't support underline, but we can use <u>HTML Text</u> instead. Also, <b>we</b> can <i>render</i> almost any <span style="color:red;">HTML</span> code that we &nbsp; <kbd>like</kbd> &nbsp; such as superscript<sup>2</sup>.

For manual line or page breaks, we can use following HTML and CSS codes:

  • Line breaks:

::: {#cb6 .sourceCode}

<br />

  • Print breaks:

::: {#cb7 .sourceCode}

<p style="page-break-after:always;"></p>


  • Item 1
  • Item 2
    • Item 2a
    • Item 2b
      • Item 2b-1
      • Item 2b-2

::: {#cb8 .sourceCode}

- Item 1
- Item 2
    - Item 2a (2 tabs)
    - Item 2b
        - Item 2b-1 (4 tabs)
        - Item 2b-2

  1. Item 1
  2. Item 2
  3. Item 3
    • Item 3a
    • Item 3b

::: {#cb9 .sourceCode}

1. Item 1
2. Item 2
3. Item 3
    - Item 3a
    - Item 3b


::: {#cb10 .sourceCode}




::: {#cb11 .sourceCode}

<p align="center">
![logo]( "Raspberry pi")

Note that here we used an HTML code to align center the image. Also, we can use HTML to add more styles, for example:

::: {#cb12 .sourceCode}

<p align="center">
<img src="" alt="Raspberry pi" style="width:20%; border:0;">


Imagination is more important than knowledge.

Albert Einstein

::: {#cb13 .sourceCode}

> Imagination is more important than knowledge.
> Albert Einstein


Use three dashes --- to draw an horizontal line like:

::: {#cb14 .sourceCode}



::: {style="margin-bottom: 1rem; overflow-x: auto;"} 1st Header 2nd Header 3rd Header

col 1 is left-aligned 1 col 2 is center-aligned 2 col 3 is right-aligned 3 :::

::: {#cb15 .sourceCode}

1st Header|2nd Header|3rd Header
col 1 is|left-aligned|1
col 2 is|center-aligned|2
col 3 is|right-aligned|3

Note that we can use HTML styles to hide tables' overflow by putting them in a division like:

::: {#cb16 .sourceCode}

<div "margin-bottom: 1rem; overflow-x: auto;">

Also, we can use overflow-x: scroll to always scroll or overflow-x: hidden to hide them compeletely.

Code blocks

In Markdown, we can simply add plain code blocks to display (not evaluating) by inserting triple back quote i.e. ```. For example:

::: {#cb17 .sourceCode}

norm = function(x) {

::: {#cb18 .sourceCode}

` ``r
norm <- function(x) {
` ``

For inline plain codes use single back quote before and after the code, for example we defined this codes here in this way.

YAML header

At the top of a Markdown document, we can insert the following meta data such that:

::: {#cb19 .sourceCode}

title: "Page Title"
subtitle: "Page sub-title"
author: "Author name"
description: "This is a test"
institute: "MU"
date: "20/02/2020"
abstract: "YAML"
  - key1
  - key2
  - tag1
  - tag2

Mathematical formula

We can use LaTeX to write mathematical equations in Markdown. To write inline LaTeX formula use a single $ before and after the equation and use a double $ to display equations.


The following provides a quick reference of the most commonly used LaTeX syntax. You may find a more extensive references about mathematical formulas at LaTeX Wikibooks.

LaTeX equations

Inline equation: [\(equation\)]{.math .inline}

::: {#cb20 .sourceCode}

Inline equation: $equation$

Display equation: [\[equation\]]{.math .display}

::: {#cb21 .sourceCode}

Display equation: $$equation$$


  • [\(x + y\)]{.math .inline}
  • [\(x - y\)]{.math .inline}
  • [\(x \times y\)]{.math .inline}
  • [\(x \div y\)]{.math .inline}
  • [\(\dfrac{x}{y}\)]{.math .inline}
  • [\(\sqrt{x}\)]{.math .inline}

::: {#cb22 .sourceCode}

- $x + y$
- $x - y$
- $x \times y$ 
- $x \div y$
- $\dfrac{x}{y}$
- $\sqrt{x}$


  • [\(\pi \approx 3.14159\)]{.math .inline}
  • [\(\pm \, 0.2\)]{.math .inline}
  • [\(\dfrac{0}{1} \neq \infty\)]{.math .inline}
  • [\(0 \< x \< 1\)]{.math .inline}
  • [\(0 \leq x \leq 1\)]{.math .inline}
  • [\(x \geq 10\)]{.math .inline}
  • [\(\forall \, x \in (1,2)\)]{.math .inline}
  • [\(\exists \, x \notin [0,1]\)]{.math .inline}
  • [\(A \subset B\)]{.math .inline}
  • [\(A \subseteq B\)]{.math .inline}
  • [\(A \cup B\)]{.math .inline}
  • [\(A \cap B\)]{.math .inline}
  • [\(X \implies Y\)]{.math .inline}
  • [\(X \impliedby Y\)]{.math .inline}
  • [\(a \to b\)]{.math .inline}
  • [\(a \longrightarrow b\)]{.math .inline}
  • [\(a \Rightarrow b\)]{.math .inline}
  • [\(a \Longrightarrow b\)]{.math .inline}
  • [\(a \propto b\)]{.math .inline}

::: {#cb23 .sourceCode}

- $\pi \approx 3.14159$
- $\pm \, 0.2$
- $\dfrac{0}{1} \neq \infty$
- $0 < x < 1$
- $0 \leq x \leq 1$
- $x \geq 10$
- $\forall \, x \in (1,2)$
- $\exists \, x \notin [0,1]$
- $A \subset B$
- $A \subseteq B$
- $A \cup B$
- $A \cap B$
- $X \implies Y$
- $X \impliedby Y$
- $a \to b$
- $a \longrightarrow b$
- $a \Rightarrow b$
- $a \Longrightarrow b$
- $a \propto b$

  • [\(\bar a\)]{.math .inline}
  • [\(\tilde a\)]{.math .inline}
  • [\(\breve a\)]{.math .inline}
  • [\(\hat a\)]{.math .inline}
  • [\(a\^ \prime\)]{.math .inline}
  • [\(a\^ \dagger\)]{.math .inline}
  • [\(a\^ \ast\)]{.math .inline}
  • [\(a\^ \star\)]{.math .inline}
  • [\(\mathcal A\)]{.math .inline}
  • [\(\mathrm a\)]{.math .inline}
  • [\(\cdots\)]{.math .inline}
  • [\(\vdots\)]{.math .inline}
  • [\(\#\)]{.math .inline}
  • [\(\$\)]{.math .inline}
  • [\(\%\)]{.math .inline}
  • [\(\&\)]{.math .inline}
  • [\(\{ \}\)]{.math .inline}
  • [\(\_\)]{.math .inline}

::: {#cb24 .sourceCode}

- $\bar a$
- $\tilde a$
- $\breve a$
- $\hat a$
- $a^ \prime$
- $a^ \dagger$
- $a^ \ast$
- $a^ \star$
- $\mathcal A$
- $\mathrm a$
- $\cdots$
- $\vdots$
- $\#$
- $\$$
- $\%$
- $\&$
- $\{ \}$
- $\_$


  • Horizontal space: \quad
  • Large horizontal space: \qquad
  • Small space: \,
  • Medium space: \:
  • Large space: \;
  • Negative space: \!

Greek alphabets

::: {style="margin-bottom: 1rem; overflow-x: auto;"} Small Letter Capital Letter Alternative

[\(\alpha\)]{.math .inline} \alpha [\(A\)]{.math .inline} A
[\(\beta\)]{.math .inline} \beta [\(B\)]{.math .inline} B
[\(\gamma\)]{.math .inline} \gamma [\(\Gamma\)]{.math .inline} \Gamma
[\(\delta\)]{.math .inline} \delta [\(\Delta\)]{.math .inline} \Delta
[\(\epsilon\)]{.math .inline} \epsilon [\(E\)]{.math .inline} E [\(\varepsilon\)]{.math .inline} \varepsilon [\(\zeta\)]{.math .inline} \zeta [\(Z\)]{.math .inline} Z
[\(\eta\)]{.math .inline} \eta [\(H\)]{.math .inline} H
[\(\theta\)]{.math .inline} \theta [\(\Theta\)]{.math .inline} \Theta [\(\vartheta\)]{.math .inline} \vartheta [\(\iota\)]{.math .inline} \zeta [\(I\)]{.math .inline} I
[\(\kappa\)]{.math .inline} \kappa [\(K\)]{.math .inline} K [\(\varkappa\)]{.math .inline} \varkappa [\(\lambda\)]{.math .inline} \lambda [\(\Lambda\)]{.math .inline} \Lambda
[\(\mu\)]{.math .inline} \mu [\(M\)]{.math .inline} M
[\(\nu\)]{.math .inline} \nu [\(N\)]{.math .inline} N
[\(\xi\)]{.math .inline} \xi [\(\Xi\)]{.math .inline} \Xi
[\(\omicron\)]{.math .inline} \omicron [\(O\)]{.math .inline} O
[\(\pi\)]{.math .inline} \pi [\(\Pi\)]{.math .inline} \Pi [\(\varpi\)]{.math .inline} \varpi [\(\rho\)]{.math .inline} \rho [\(P\)]{.math .inline} P [\(\varrho\)]{.math .inline} \varrho [\(\sigma\)]{.math .inline} \sigma [\(\Sigma\)]{.math .inline} \Sigma [\(\varsigma\)]{.math .inline} \varsigma [\(\tau\)]{.math .inline} \tau [\(T\)]{.math .inline} T
[\(\upsilon\)]{.math .inline} \upsilon [\(\Upsilon\)]{.math .inline} \Upsilon
[\(\phi\)]{.math .inline} \phi [\(\Phi\)]{.math .inline} \Phi [\(\varphi\)]{.math .inline} \varphi [\(\chi\)]{.math .inline} \chi [\(X\)]{.math .inline} X
[\(\psi\)]{.math .inline} \psi [\(\Psi\)]{.math .inline} \Psi
[\(\omega\)]{.math .inline} \omega [\(\Omega\)]{.math .inline} \Omega


[\[\mathbb{N} = \{ a \in \mathbb{Z} : a > 0 \}\]]{.math .display}

::: {#cb25 .sourceCode}

$$\mathbb{N} = \{ a \in \mathbb{Z} : a > 0 \}$$

[\[\forall \; x \in X \quad \exists \; y \leq \epsilon\]]{.math .display}

::: {#cb26 .sourceCode}

$$\forall \; x \in X \quad \exists \; y \leq \epsilon$$

[\[\color{blue}{X \sim Normal \; (\mu,\sigma\^2)}\]]{.math .display}

::: {#cb27 .sourceCode}

$$\color{blue}{X \sim Normal \; (\mu,\sigma^2)}$$

[\[P \left( A=2 \, \middle| \, \dfrac{A\^2}{B}>4 \right)\]]{.math .display}

::: {#cb28 .sourceCode}

$$P \left( A=2 \, \middle| \, \dfrac{A^2}{B}>4 \right)$$

[\[f(x) = x\^2 - x\^\frac{1}{\pi}\]]{.math .display}

::: {#cb29 .sourceCode}

$$f(x) = x^2 - x^\frac{1}{\pi}$$

[\[f(X,n) = X_n + X_{n-1}\]]{.math .display}

::: {#cb30 .sourceCode}

$$f(X,n) = X_n + X_{n-1}$$

[\[f(x) = \sqrt[3]{2x} + \sqrt{x-2}\]]{.math .display}

::: {#cb31 .sourceCode}

$$f(x) = \sqrt[3]{2x} + \sqrt{x-2}$$

[\[\mathrm{e} = \sum_{n=0}\^{\infty} \dfrac{1}{n!}\]]{.math .display}

::: {#cb32 .sourceCode}

$$\mathrm{e} = \sum_{n=0}^{\infty} \dfrac{1}{n!}$$

[\[\prod_{i=1}\^{n} x_i - 1\]]{.math .display}

::: {#cb33 .sourceCode}

$$\prod_{i=1}^{n} x_i - 1$$

[\[\lim_{x \to 0\^+} \dfrac{1}{x} = \infty\]]{.math .display}

::: {#cb34 .sourceCode}

$$\lim_{x \to 0^+} \dfrac{1}{x} = \infty$$

[\[\int_a\^b y \: \mathrm{d}x\]]{.math .display}

::: {#cb35 .sourceCode}

$$\int_a^b y \: \mathrm{d}x$$

[\[\log_a b = 1\]]{.math .display}

::: {#cb36 .sourceCode}

$$\log_a b = 1$$

[\[\min(P) = \max_{i:S_i \in S} S_i\]]{.math .display}

::: {#cb37 .sourceCode}

$$\max(S) = \max_{i:S_i \in S} S_i$$

[\[\dfrac{n!}{k!(n-k)!} = \binom{n}{k}\]]{.math .display}

::: {#cb38 .sourceCode}

$$\dfrac{n!}{k!(n-k)!} = \binom{n}{k}$$

[\[\small \text{$\dfrac{b}{a+b}=3, \:$ therefore we can set $\: a=6$}\]]{.math .display}

::: {#cb39 .sourceCode}

$$\text{$\dfrac{b}{a+b}=3, \:$ therefore we can set $\: a=6$}$$


[\[ f(x)= \begin{cases} 1/d_{ij} & \quad \text{when $d_{ij} \leq 160$}\\ 0 & \quad \text{otherwise} \end{cases} \]]{.math .display}

::: {#cb40 .sourceCode}

1/d_{ij} & \quad \text{when $d_{ij} \leq 160$}\\ 
0 & \quad \text{otherwise}


[\[ \begin{matrix} 1 & 2 & 3 \\ 4 & 5 & 6 \\ 7 & 8 & 9 \end{matrix} \]]{.math .display}

::: {#cb41 .sourceCode}

1 & 2 & 3 \\
4 & 5 & 6 \\
7 & 8 & 9

[\[ M = \begin{bmatrix} \frac{5}{6} & \frac{1}{6} & 0 \\[0.3em] \frac{5}{6} & 0 & \frac{1}{6} \\[0.3em] 0 & \frac{5}{6} & \frac{1}{6} \end{bmatrix} \]]{.math .display}

::: {#cb42 .sourceCode}

M = 
\frac{5}{6} & \frac{1}{6} & 0 \\[0.3em]
\frac{5}{6} & 0 & \frac{1}{6} \\[0.3em]
0 & \frac{5}{6} & \frac{1}{6}

[\[ M = \begin{bmatrix} 1 & 0 \\ 0 & 1 \end{bmatrix} \begin{bmatrix} 1 & 0 \\ 0 & 1 \end{bmatrix} \]]{.math .display}

::: {#cb43 .sourceCode}

M =
1 & 0 \\
0 & 1
1 & 0 \\
0 & 1

[\[ M = \begin{pmatrix} 1 & 0 \\ 0 & 1 \end{pmatrix} \begin{pmatrix} 1 & 0 \\ 0 & 1 \end{pmatrix} \]]{.math .display}

::: {#cb44 .sourceCode}

M =
1 & 0 \\
0 & 1
1 & 0 \\
0 & 1

[\[ A_{m,n} = \begin{pmatrix} a_{1,1} & a_{1,2} & \cdots & a_{1,n} \\ a_{2,1} & a_{2,2} & \cdots & a_{2,n} \\ \vdots & \vdots & \ddots & \vdots \\ a_{m,1} & a_{m,2} & \cdots & a_{m,n} \end{pmatrix} \]]{.math .display}

::: {#cb45 .sourceCode}

A_{m,n} = 
a_{1,1} & a_{1,2} & \cdots & a_{1,n} \\
a_{2,1} & a_{2,2} & \cdots & a_{2,n} \\
\vdots & \vdots & \ddots & \vdots \\
a_{m,1} & a_{m,2} & \cdots & a_{m,n} 

Font sizes

[\(\Huge Hello!\)]{.math .inline}\ [\(\huge Hello!\)]{.math .inline}\ [\(\LARGE Hello!\)]{.math .inline}\ [\(\Large Hello!\)]{.math .inline}\ [\(\large Hello!\)]{.math .inline}\ [\(\normalsize Hello!\)]{.math .inline}\ [\(\small Hello!\)]{.math .inline}\ [\(\scriptsize Hello!\)]{.math .inline}\ [\(\tiny Hello!\)]{.math .inline}\

::: {#cb46 .sourceCode}

$\Huge Hello!$
$\huge Hello!$
$\LARGE Hello!$
$\Large Hello!$
$\large Hello!$
$\normalsize Hello!$
$\small Hello!$
$\scriptsize Hello!$
$\tiny Hello!$

Example: [\[\small \text{Font size is small, eg. $\sum{x_i = 10}$}\]]{.math .display}

::: {#cb47 .sourceCode}

$$\small \text{Font size is small, eg. $\sum{x_i = 10}$}$$
::: :::

::: {.d-none .d-xl-block .col-xl-2 .bd-toc} - - Markdown - Headers - Emphasis - Lists - Links - Images - Quotes - Hlines - Tables - Code blocks - YAML header - Mathematical formula - LaTeX - LaTeX equations - Operators - Symbols - Space - Greek alphabets - Equations - Functions - Matrices - Font sizes
