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Useful commands

  • docker compose build

    • Description: Builds or rebuilds services defined in a docker-compose.yml file. It does not start the containers after building them.
  • docker compose up -d

    • Description: Starts the containers in detached mode, allowing you to continue using the terminal.
    • Flags:
    • -d: Detached mode.
  • docker compose -f up --build -d

    • Description: Uses a custom Docker compose file to start the containers, forcing a build of the images before starting, in detached mode.
    • Flags:
    • -f: Specifies a custom file (in this case,
    • --build: Forces a build of the images.
    • -d: Detached mode.
  • docker compose down -v

    • Description: Stops and removes containers, networks, and the default network associated with the composition. Additionally, removes the volumes.
    • Flags:
      • -v: Removes the volumes.
  • docker compose -f down -v

    • Description: Stops and removes containers, networks, and volumes specified in a custom Docker compose file.
    • Flags:
    • -f: Specifies a custom file (
    • -v: Removes the volumes.
  • docker exec -it django-dev bash

    • Description: Executes an interactive bash shell inside the running container named django-dev.
    • Flags:
      • -it: Interactive terminal.
  • docker build . -t api

    • Description: Builds a Docker image from the Dockerfile in the current directory, tagging it as api.
    • Flags:
      • -t: Tag the image.
  • docker run -p 8000:8000 -e DJANGO_SECRET_KEY=$DJANGO_SECRET_KEY api

    • Description: Runs a container from the api image, exposing port 8000 and setting the DJANGO_SECRET_KEY environment variable.
    • Flags:
      • -p 8000:8000: Maps port 8000 of the container to port 8000 on the host.
      • -e DJANGO_SECRET_KEY=$DJANGO_SECRET_KEY: Sets an environment variable inside the container.
  • docker image prune

    • Description Removes dangling images.