White Box Testing
Coverage subsummation¶
Statement coverage¶
Statement coverage is defined as the number of tested lines divided by the tota number of lines in the code.
Statement coverage will not account for branching logic, and it will not test the inner workings of conditional statements. It's the most primitive form of coverage.
Branch coverage¶
Branch coverage is defined as the number of branches that have been tested divided by the total number of branches in the code.
Branch coverage subsumes statement coverage.
Condition coverage¶
Condition coverage involves testing each condition individually to a true and false state.
Since they are varied separately, the whole impact on the predicate is not fully tested. Because of this, condition coverage does not subsume branch coverage, or statement coverage.
For example,
if (a === 42 && b === 42) {
// true
} else {
// false
We can apply full condition coverage with test cases of:
- a = 42
, b != 42
- a != 42
, b = 42
This will test each condition in the predicate, but it will not test the combination of the conditions. Further, it won't provide branch coverage as both test cases resolve to a false predicate.
Branch and Condition coverage (Decision coverage)¶
This basically combines condition coverage and branch coverage. Define enough test cases so that each condition has been tested to both true and false, and each branch has been tested.
Modified Condition/Decision Coverage (MC/DC)¶
This is a variation on condition coverage where we test important combinations of the conditions so that the whole predicate is tested. There is a weak form and a strong form of MC/DC.
The algorithm for MC/DC is as follows:
- Sketch out a truth table with all the conditions and the outcomes.
- For each condition, vary it while holding the others constant, and inspect the outcome where it varies from true to false.
- Note the outcomes where it swaps from T to F.
- Repeat for each condition.
You need N + 1
test cases to test N
MC/DC subsumes branch and condition coverage, condition coverage branch coverage, and statement coverage.
Multiple Condition Coverage¶
A theoretical variant of MC/DC where interdependent reactions betweenconditions are tested.
Path Coverage¶
Path coverage is about walking through all possible paths in the code. At first, glance it doesn't seem to extensive, but the complexities of looping code make it very difficult to achieve. For example, a loop with a termination condition of i <= 20 will have 21 paths to test. Add branching logic, and inner loops, and the number of paths to test can grow exponentially.
Mutation Testing¶
Mutation testing introduces subtle errors in the production logic. If the mutants have different test outcomes, then the mutants were removed. If the mutants have the same test outcomes, then the mutant survived. You need to refactor or add additional tests to remove the mutant.
Some mutatations are: - conditional boundarys: changing equality operators - void method call: removes an invocation of a void method - negation: negate any numeric variable