CMPUT 402¶
- [ ] first lecture
- software quality
- definitions
- mccall
- boehm
- 25010
- [x] black box testing
- test values
- boundary value testing
- boundary value analysis
- robustness testing
- partition testing
- finite state machines
- fuzz testing
- test values
- [x] white box testing
- statement coverage
- control flow graphs
- branch coverage
- "subsume"
- condition coverage
- branch and condition coverage
- (MC/DC) modified conditoin/decision coverage
- path coverage
- data-flow coverage
- mutation testing
- test oracle
- [x] tdd
- red-green-refactor
- benefits
- [x] code review
- code review
- inspections
- walk through
- [x] testing distributed systems
- Reliability measures
- robustness
- testing distributed systems
- stubs
- mocks
- fakes
- chaos engineering
- challenges
- purpose
[x] test smells
- test code duplication
- test logic in production
- erratic tests
- obscure tests
- assertion roulette
- condition logic in test
- slow tests
- mystery guest
- resource optimism
- test run war
- general fixture
- lazy test
- indirect test
- sensitive equality
- [x] black box testing
- [x] white box testing
- [x] tdd
- [x] code review
- [x] testing distributed systems
- [x] test smells
- [8] software quality
- [x] intro to software quality