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A* Search

A* Search is an improvement on Dijkstra's algorithm to help increase the speed of the search by creating a focused search frontier.

The priority queue receives a different cost value. Dijkstra's algorithm only adds the current cost leading up to the particular node, but A* adds an additional heuristic cost between the current node and the end node.

A* follows the same algorithm as Dijkstra's with a couple of exceptions. We have access to the g-value and h-value[^ghvalues].


  • The g-value is the calculated cost from the start node to a node. The
  • h-value is the heuristic derived cost from the node to the finish.

  • We use the f cost to sort the priority queue \(f = g + h\)

  • Nodes that are expanded with a sub-optimal cost will eventually be re-opened however many times until the optimal cost is found.

In Dijkstra we made updates when we found a better g-value for a given node. For A*, we will update this when we find a better f-value.

Weighted A*

The heuristic function is multiplied by a scalar value to put more emphasis on the heuristic rather than the cost back to the start (g value).

\[ f(s) = g(s) + w \dot h(s) \quad w > 1 \]

AStar Nuances

A can run out of memory when the state space is very large. In these instances we can use a technique called iterative deepening A (IDA*). This is similar to iterative deepening depth-first search. Iterative algorithms suffer from transpositions, and so we need to keep track of them using a transposition table.