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CMPUT 366 Notes

Search Problem Formation

To formulate a search problem in a state space, we need to have several parameters.

  • $ G = (S, A) $ A graph with a set of states for the nodes, and edges that define the relations between the nodes.
  • $ s_o $ the starting state
  • $ s_g $ the goal state
  • $ T(s_n) $ the transition function which returns what other states are connected to the input state.
  • $ C(s_n, s_m) $ the cost state which accepts two states and returns the cost to connect them.

When we have this information, we can use various algorithms to search for a solution to the problem.

State Space vs Search Space

graph LR
    A[City A] -- 10 --> B[City B]
    A -- 20 --> C[City C]
    B -- 30 --> D[City D]
    B -- 25 --> C
    C -- 15 --> D
    D -- 50 --> E[City E]
    A -- 60 --> E

The above diagram depicts the state space. It shows all of the various the different cities you can be in which represent the different states, and it shows the edges that relate one state to another.

graph TD
    A[City A] -->|10| B[ B]
    A -->|20| C[ C]
    A -->|60| E1[ E]
    B -->|30| D1[ D]
    B -->|25| C1[ C]
    C -->|15| D2[ D]
    D1 -->|50| E2[ E]
    C1 -->|15| D3[ D]
    D2 -->|50| E3[ E]
    D3 -->|50| E4[ E]

We have a search tree above by selecting City A as the start position and then calling the transition function recursively until we arrive at a leaf node. This could be part of a search problem where we have our state space with nodes and edges, start node (City A), and goal node (could be City D), and transition and cost functions.

Search Space Size

Branching Factor

Part of determining the search space size is related to determining the number of children a node may have. This is known as the branching factor. For example, if we say that generally nodes have 5 child nodes, then the branching factor is 5. It's typically denoted with $ b $.

alt text

Calculating Search Space Size

We can see from the above search tree that we have: $$ 3^0 + 3^1 + 3^2 + 3^3 + ... + 3^d $$

And $ 3^d $ is the dominant term which gives the big oh size of the size $ O(3^d) $.