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We use hashing to produce some fixed size output of some length we chose. Hashes are meant to be easy to compute since we need them all the time. Their computation time is proportional to the input to the hash function.

Hashing can be used as a checksum where the $ H(f) = c $ is passed along with the message and the client can check on their end if $ H(f') = c $ (for some arbitrary file f).


One-way property (preimage resistance)

It's really really really hard to find the message from the hash. $$ \text{Very hard to find a function f such that:} \quad f(h)= m $$

Second preimage resistance

If I have some message, its very hard to find another message so that their hashes are equal. $$ h(m) = h(m') $$

Collision resistance

Two hashes may result from two different messages, but it is very very very hard to find any two that do. $$ H(m_1) = H(m_2) \quad \text{is very hard to find} $$

Modern hashing techniques are still bound by the pigeonhole principle. We have an infinite number of messages that are bound to some expression of a hash. For example, we have a hash that outputs a 512 bit hash. We have $ 2^{512} $ possible messages that we can encode, which is a lot, but there are more than $ 2^{512} $ message in existence and some of them will have to map to the same hash.

Basic login with a hash

                        # without salt
checkpass(u):           # u: username
    pc = getString()    # get password
    h = lookup(pc)      # get stored hash
    hc = H(pc)          # get the hash of the provided password
    return hc == h

                        # with salt
checkpass(u):           # u: username
    pc = getString()    # get password
    h, s = lookup(pc)   # get stored salt, hash
    hc = cat(s, H(pc))  # get the hash of the provided password, concat w/ salt
    return hc == h

The hash must have strong preimage resistance so that if an attacker were to gain access to a hash they would not be able to derive the password.

Hashing in Signatures

Collision resistance is essential when hashing is used to produce a tag for signing. If this property fails, then more than one person could be a valid sender for a signed file which would mean non-repudiation could not be guaranteed.


Salts are added to hashes to increase their complexity. This makes a brute force attack that much less likely to succeed. The user themselves don't need to know the salt, and it can be stored at the host side (wouldn't be effective anymore if it was leaked).

The salts are stored as plaintext in the server database, and their function is to make it more difficult to guess the passwords by basically make them more complex.


Pepper is a version of salt that is not stored. Instead it is generated from $ 0 \quad \text{to} \quad 2^q-1 $, (assuming q bits for the pepper) and the host tries out values until it finds the shared hash. It's almost like brute forcing on the host side, and is mostly intended as an exercise to slow down the attacker and introduce further complexity to the hash.

Lamport Hashes

Lamport hashes are used for one-time passwords. More info >